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Date: 11 August 2010
Notice of supplementary update to the Certificate Revocation Lists
This is a supplementary update to the Certificate Revocation Lists.
Due to maintenance of Hongkong Post Certification Authority system, some revoked or suspended certificates were excluded in the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) issued by the Sub CA "Hongkong Post e-Cert CA 1" since 19:00 9-Aug-2010.
This supplementary update contains a list of revoked or suspended certificates that are not in the CRLs. The list is in text file format and consists of 3 fields separated by "|" as follows:
- Certificate Serial Number (in hexadecimal format);
- Revocation Date in "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" format, where
"YYYY" = Year, "MM" = Month, "DD" = Day,
"hh" = Hours (24 hours format), "mm" = Minutes, "ss" = Seconds; - CRL Reason Code, in which 0 = Unspecified and 6 = Certificate Hold.
When checking for certificate status since 19:00 9-Aug-2010, Relying Parties should check the supplementary list of revoked or suspended certificates in addition to the CRLs regularly published by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority until further notice.
For any enquiries, you may contact Hongkong Post Certification Authority hotline 2921 6633 or email to enquiry@hongkongpost.gov.hk for assistance.
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