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Date: 27 April 2012
Launch of e-Cert File USB, a New e-Cert Storage Medium, and Plan to Cease Use of Floppy Diskette as e-Cert Storage Medium
Hongkong Post Certification Authority (HKPCA) currently provides e-Cert File Card or floppy diskette as e-Cert storage medium for e-Cert (Personal), e-Cert (Organisational) and e-Cert (Encipherment). We will soon launch a new e-Cert storage medium, namely e-Cert File USB. This e-Cert File USB is a credit card sized USB flash drive, and the e-Cert stored in it can be easily read by common computers with USB ports.
Starting from 28 June 2012, e-Cert File USB will be available to applicants for selection when applying for e-Cert at a privileged price of HK$40 each.
Moreover, e-Cert applicants should note that HKPCA plans to cease use of floppy diskette as e-Cert storage medium with effect from 1 April 2013.
For enquiries, please call Hongkong Post Certification Authority hotline on 2921 6633 or email to enquiry@hongkongpost.gov.hk.
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