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Date: 27 July 2020
Cease issuance of certificates with 2-year validity period for e-Cert (Server), e-Cert (Server) with "Wildcard" feature and e-Cert (Server) with "Multi-domain" feature with effect from 31 August 2020.
As major browser developers including Apple, Google and Mozilla no longer trust server certificates issued on or after 1 September 2020 with validity period greater than 398 days, Hongkong Post Certification Authority ceases to issue certificates with 2-year validity period for server certificates, i.e. e-Cert (Server), e-Cert (Server) with "Wildcard" feature and e-Cert (Server) with "Multi-domain" feature starting from 31 August 2020. Subscribers who have applied for server certificates with 2-year validity period are reminded to submit their Certificate Signing Request (CSR) by 30 August 2020 (23:59 Hong Kong Time).
To allow adequate time for processing by HKPCA, application of new or renewal e-Cert (Server), e-Cert (Server) with "Wildcard" feature and e-Cert (Server) with "Multi-domain" feature with 2-year validity period should be submitted to HKPCA on or before 24 August 2020.
The issuance of certificates with 1-year validity period for e-Cert (Server), e-Cert (Server) with "Wildcard" feature and e-Cert (Server) with "Multi-domain" feature remains unchanged.
For enquiries, please call Hongkong Post Certification Authority hotline at 2921 6633 or email to enquiry@eCert.gov.hk.
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