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Date: 29 June 2000
Hongkong Post and Utimaco Safeware Join Hands to Provide PKI Technical Training
to Hong Kong
In a ceremony today (29 June), Hongkong Post and Utimaco Safeware jointly announced the co-operation between the two parties in providing PKI technical training in Hong Kong.
Mr. P. C. LUK, the Postmaster General said, "Hongkong Post and Utimaco Safeware share the same vision to promote the development of e-commerce in Hong Kong. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding today signifies a close but non-exclusive cooperation between Hongkong Post and Utimaco Safeware in providing PKI technical training to the IT professionals who are interested in Internet security or PKI technology. To encourage the development of electronic commerce in Hong Kong, we should have sufficient well-trained local PKI professionals. That is why we co-operate with Utimaco in providing PKI technical training. "
"The development of Hong Kong's first public CA by Hongkong Post has paved the way for the rapid growth in secure e-commerce and information exchanges over the Internet in Hong Kong. We are proud that Utimaco can be part of this exciting initiative," said the Managing Director of Utimaco Safeware Asia Ltd. Mr. K. S. HO.
According to the Memorandum of Understanding, the two parties will work together in providing PKI technical training to the IT professionals who are interested in Internet security or PKI technology. The PKI training will be a four-day certification course to be conducted at the Hong Kong Productivity Council and will be available from August 2000. Besides, Hongkong Post is under discussion with Utimaco to put their smart card and smart card readers which are compatible with Hongkong Post e-Cert on sale at post office outlets. The co-operation will further enhance the development of e-commerce in the local arena.
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