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e-Cert File USB

e-Cert File USB is a credit card sized USB flash drive which is a storage medium for Hongkong Post e-Cert. The e-Cert stored in e-Cert File USB can be easily read by common computers equipped with USB ports.

How to use your e-Cert on the e-Cert File USB?

Please have in hand your e-Cert File USB and its corresponding PIN envelope. Simply plug your e-Cert File USB into an USB port of your computer, and it’s ready to use.

  1. Preparation: Ready your e-Cert File USB and its corresponding PIN envelope
  2. Action: Plug e-Cert File USB into an USB port
  3. e-Cert File: The file with file extension of ".p12" contains your e-Cert and contains your private key

User Guide

1. Change PIN for e-Cert on e-Cert File USB PDF
Change Password Program
2. Backup e-Cert on e-Cert File USB HTML
3. Import e-Cert on e-Cert File USB into Internet Browser HTML
4. Usage of e-Cert HTML
5. e-Cert User Guides HTML

In case of enquiries, please refer to FAQ or contact our service hotline at 2921 6633.

NOTE: All download documents can be read with Acrobat Reader.

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