Hongkong Post e-Cert
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e-Cert - Your Electronic ID
Hongkong Post e-Cert can be regarded as a user's "electronic-ID" for online identity authentication. It ensures integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation of the data transmitted in an electronic transaction.
Hongkong Post, as a recognized Certification Authority ("CA") is responsible under the Electronic Transactions Ordinance for the use of a trustworthy system for the issuance, withdrawal, and publication in a publicly available repository of recognized digital certificates for secure on-line identification. Such recognized certificates are called "e-Certs" which means a record to :-
- be issued by a CA for the purpose of supporting a digital signature which purports to confirm the identity or other significant characteristics of the person who holds a particular key pair;
- identify the certification authority issuing it;
- name or identify the person to whom it is issued;
- contain the public key of the person to whom it is issued; and
- be signed by a responsible officer of the certification authority issuing it.
[Recognition Status] of Hongkong Post CA and e-Cert.
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