Hongkong Post e-Cert
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Hongkong Post g-Cert (Individual)
Hongkong Post g-Cert (Individual) certificate may be issued to Centrally Managed Messaging Platform under the administration of support of DPO ("CMMP") users under Bureaux/Departments/Offices of the Government of Hong Kong SAR; and identifies a CMMP User of a Subscriber Organisation whom that Subscriber Organisation has duly authorised the use of Private Key of that g-Cert (Individual) issued to that Subscriber. Offer of g-Cert (Individual) certificates requires prior arrangement between Hongkong Post Certification Authority and the Subscriber Organisation.
Currently, g-Cert (Individual) certificates are offered to the Subscriber Organisation(s) as listed Appendix E of Certification Practice Statement (CPS) for g-Cert
The corresponding Registration Authority of the Subscriber Organisation will provide services to the Subscriber Organisation in accepting g-Cert applications and revocation requests from the Subscriber Organisation.
A g-Cert (Individual) certificate contains the following information of the Subscriber Organisation :
- CMMP User’s name
- CMMP User’s email address
- Subscriber Organisation’s name
- Subscriber Reference Number (SRN) generated by the Hongkong Post CA system
Hongkong Post g-Cert (Individual) certificate may be issued with a validity period of 1 to 3 years at the cost as follows :
Certificate with 1-year validity period | Certificate with 2-year validity period | Certificate with 3-year validity period | |
New or renewal application | * Promotional Offer: HK$18 per certificate |
* Promotional Offer: HK$36 per certificate |
* Promotional Offer: HK$54 per certificate |
* For e-Cert (Organisational) (without "Mutual Recognition" status), with effect from 1 July 2023, the promotional discount on its subscription fees will beis provided, until further notice. For details, please refer to the relevant announcement.
g-Cert (Individual) is issued only with 2048-bit RSA key length.
Reliance Limit of Hongkong Post g-Cert (Individual)
The "Reliance Limit" as defined under the Electronic Transactions Ordinance in respect of one g-Cert (Individual) certificate is HK$200,000.
Certification Practice Statement
To know more about our practices in issuing the g-Cert (Individual), please refer to the Certification Practice Statement (CPS) for g-Cert
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