Hongkong Post e-Cert
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Certizen Limited

Hongkong Post

Level Double-A conformance, W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0


Certificate Renewal - e-Cert (Server) online application

To renew your e-Cert online, your computer should comply with the following requirements:
  1. Operating System:
    • Microsoft Windows 8.1 / 10
  2. Internet Browser:
    • Google Chrome Browser (for desktop)
    • Mozilla Firefox Browser (for desktop)
    • Microsoft Edge Browser (for desktop)

Notes to Authorised Representative:

  1. This online renewal application only applies to the submission of e-Cert (Server) while the Authorised Representative remains unchanged. The Authorised Representative should have an active e-Cert (Organisational) of the Subscriber organisation.
  2. Upon completion of the online e-Cert renewal application, a Certificate Signing Request ("CSR") email will be sent to the Authorised Representative, requesting to generate the CSR from the concerned server. The corresponding PIN Envelope(s) will be sent through registered mail separately to the Authorised Representative for the individual server name. To ensure you can complete the renewal before the expiry of the current e-Cert, we suggest you to submit your renewal application at least one month before the expiry date.
  3. During the online application / payment process, the Authorised Representative is required to use a valid e-Cert (Organisational) for identity verification and digital signature. Please get prepared one of the followings before proceeding the online application:
  4. i. e-Cert (Organisational) user
    • Import your e-Cert into internet browser of your own desktop PC.
    • Please refer to e-Cert User Guide on how to use e-Cert on e-Cert File USB.
    ii. e-Cert (Organisational) with "Mutual Recognition" Status user
    • Install the corresponding Token software of your e-Cert Token.
    • Please refer to e-Cert User Guide on how to use e-Cert on e-Cert Token.

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